Show HN: Publish websites from your markdown notes. Hello Hacker News, I've been working on Relentless for a couple months now. I wanted to create a note taking app that lets you write, structure and publish Markdown Notes. I know there are many similar tools out there but I couldn't find something that 1. Works offline. 2. Syncs when online. 3. Provides rich publishing of notes. (Syntax highlighting, Math support) 4. Has GFM support. I think a tool like this needs to exist to make it easier to publish a section of your notes to a website. For me, a lot of creative writing happens in my notes app. There's a lot of essays and short thoughts that I'd like to share but it ends up never being put out because its too much work to actually wire everything up and publish to a blog. I'm sure a lot folks have the same problem. I hope Relentless helps me and all of you in publishing our thoughts to the internet. Best, Pranay May 15, 2024 at 07:12PM